Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Posh Reveals A Few Beauty Obsessions

Victoria Beckham, high maintanance? Never. Mrs. B tells The Sun she can't snooze without first slathering her hands and feet in lotion and sealing them in gloves and socks. She also admits that she's very into eyebrow shaping and has been encouraged by her personal trainer to check out Pilates. As if she needs it.

Vanessa's Italy

I'm loving the beautiful Polaroids Vanessa has been posting from her recent trip to Italy! Click HERE to see more.

Another Gorgeous Outdoor Shower

In addition to the outdoor showers I posted yesterday here's one which my Mum sent me tonight which she recently saved. Thanks for the inspiration Mum!!

Image via Garden Rooms

Monday, September 29, 2008

Snap of the Day

A smokin' hot Jennifer Lopez launched her new fragrance "Deseo for Men" today at Macys in New York City.


Scarlett and Ryan Get Hitched

Scarlett Johansson, 23, and Ryan Reynolds, 31, tied the knot this weekend in Vancouver, Canada. Congrats to the newlyweds!

Sophia Bush Loves Her Carbs

"It's weird: In our business, I'm a size 2 and considered curvy ... It's important to remind young women, 'Listen, even skinny girls have cellulite, even Halle Berry has cellulite, and what you see in photos isn't totally real' ... You can look up old episodes of my show and see when I was being far too friendly with the craft-services table ... I'm not a waify girl and never will be. I think it's healthy when fitness experts encourage fitness rather than getting a certain body shape. And I'm Italian - I love food. I'm not goign to cut out bread and pasta and wine to be thinner." - Sophia Bush in Health magazine.

Outdoor Showers

After a long morning at the beach there's nothing quite like getting back to the house and having a cold shower to wash off all the salt and sand. I have these gorgeous outdoor showers saved in my files as inspiration for when we build our little outdoor shower over at Straddie one day...I'll just continue to dream and to collect more inspiration images for now as this little project certainly isn't on the priority list at the moment!! As my mum always says, good things come to those who wait...so wait I will.

Image 2 - via Elements of Style

Today I Love...

Hello again. How was your weekend? Today I'm in Love with this gorgeous vintage inspired photo by Amy Dickerson.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Heather Locklear Arrested

Heather Locklear was arrested on Saturday for suspicion of driving under the influence, according to reports.

The actress was pulled over while driving in Santa Barbara. She was held in Santa Barbara County Jail and released without having to post bail.

Locklear recently spent time in an Arizona facility where she was treated for anxiety and depression. She is currently in a custody battle with her ex-husband Richie Sambora who was arrested on a DUI charge in March 2008.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Remembering Paul Newman

This is a very sad day for entertainment. Paul Newman passed away surrounded by loved ones at his Connecticut Home. The actor, philanthropist, and legend was 83 years old.

Hollywood will remember his long, successful career which included roles in the films Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and the Color of Money. He was nominated for an Oscar ten times. Newman is also known for creating his own food empire, Newman's Own. His company has donated over $250 million dollars to charities personally selected by the actor.

Newman was the picture of class and honor. He was married to actress Joanne Woodward.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Kanye Has Something To Smile About

Looks like Kanye West will not face felony charges for the paparazzi scuffle involving him and his road manager, Don Crowley, at the LA airport earlier this month. Crowley has also been let off the hook for felony charges. Kanye blogged about the incident, saying, "We back in the lab!!! I'm cool with the paparazzi. This guy wasn't cool."

DJ AM Back Home in L.A.

After spending six days in the hospital following a devastating plane crash that killed four people, DJ AM (Adam Goldstein) has been released from care and returned back to his home in Los Angeles. His famous friend and co-survivor, Blink 182's former drummer Travis Barker, is expected to be released in a couple weeks. Both underwent treatment for burns after surviving the crash last Saturday in South Carolina.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's The Weekend...Phew!

Have a fun weekend!

Image - Christine Rudolph

When In Rome

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are spending a little quality time together in the Italian city. Gracing the Roman streets, the lovebirds have been sightseeing (note the very "touristy" accessory) snapping pics of each other and the sights, and keeping their oh-so-cute romance alive on their most recent vacay.

- Erin Dustin

Quote of the Day

"I was glad to hear it... I thought it was really sweet. That really brought a big smile to my face." - Heidi Montag, referring to Lauren's comments about missing her former bff on a recent Hills episode.

- Erin Dustin

Because We'll Never Get Enough of Johnny as Capt. Jack

No, not even if the fourth Pirates film he's recently signed on for is a sinking ship. In addition to the pleasant news we'll be receiving a couple more hours of Johnny as Jack, it's finally been confirmed that he has indeed taken the role of the Mad Hatter for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland project. We'll definitely raise a teacup to that. The questionable role also announced? Johnny as Tonto in Jerry Bruckheimer's film adaptation of The Lone Ranger. Away?

Martha's Absolutely Favourite Things

"Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."- William Morris

Today I'd like to introduce you to Martha B. the writer of one of my favourite blogs, Nibsblog. Before having her son, Martha studied Anthropology, Art & Interior Design. She also worked for two major department stores doing window displays and fashion shows. Martha inspires me on a daily basis with her Vocabulary posts, her Then & Now posts and her Lil'Pix posts. I like her intelligent and witty approach to design and I definitely think she's a traditionalist at heart which I love. Overall, I love reading Martha's viewpoint and the pictures she posts are beautiful!! Let's see and hear all about Martha's favourite things...

"On our fireplace mantle are some of my favorite things:

Brass candle holders were a wedding gift. Look closely- the candles are in the shape of tree branches!

I love books and you'll find them all over our house. A small stack of them with a beach stone (found by my son) on top.

Polaroid of my father-in-law and his sail boat held in a vintage metal florist "frog."

Behind it is a starfish (a gift from my mom) and some old letters from my grandmother.

Antique pottery holds flowers from my garden.

For my 30th birthday my parents gave me the mantle clock- something I had always wanted.
Woven mirror was a sale item at Pottery Barn ten years ago.

Deer antlers (above the mirror) were from an antiques mall in upstate New York. At Christmas time I love hanging ornaments
from them!"

Oh, Martha your favourite things are lovely. They are all obviously very special pieces which hold lots of special memories. I'm sure you will treasure them forever. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!!

Absolutely Favourite Things will appear here every Thursday so stay tuned!!

(Photo by Martha B. August 2008)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Olsens Dig Their Heels Into Steve Madden

Looks like Ashley and Mary-Kate are spreading their design wings even more, this time collaborating on a line of footwear with mainstream mall staple, Steve Madden. The line will carry the name of one of their current projects, Elizabeth+James. So any thoughts? Will you be tottering around in some Olsen twin chaussures?

Swag Bag Goodies

There's a great giveaway going on at GlamScene. All you have to do is leave on comment on this GlamScene post and you'll automatically be entered to win great goodies (valued at over $2,000) from the official VMA swag bag. We're talking Fendi shades, Fekkai hair products, Tarte makeup ... Fun fun fun!

Go to GlamScene or click HERE for more details and to enter! (Competition ends at 12 AM EST on Oct. 1st.)

Note: Commenting on this blog will not make you eligible to win. You must go to GlamScene to enter.

P.S. If you missed the VMAs, you can still watch 'em online at MTV.com

*Photo via MTV

Flowers & Cake

What a glorious combination - flowers and cake! We had fresh flowers on our wedding cake and I often place fresh flowers on top of cakes I make but this one above takes the cake literally!!

Image - Vogue Living via Creature Comforts

New Fabric Obsession

I love this new fabric we have just received sampling for at Black & Spiro. It is an embroidered linen. I'm tying to find a little something to use it on...I'm thinking a little stool would be pretty. It actually reminds me of a very old piece of embroidery...gosh it's so beautiful and even more so in real life!! Email me for enquiries.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lindsay and Sam Confirm Relationship

It may have long since been an enormous duh, but Lindsay Lohan finally confirmed that she and DJ Samantha Ronson are a couple on Loveline Sunday night. Does this mean we don't have to cringe at the term "gal pal" every time they're mentioned?

In Stores Today!

Sex and the City: The Movie DVD hits stores today! So, so exciting! And in an extended cut version, even better!

Check out Glam's coverage of the pink carpet at the DVD launch.

Photo Credit: Amazon.com

- Erin Dustin

Pretty Pink

Oh, that lamp, that mirror frame, that wall colour - love it all!! But then again it is Ruthie Sommers...my favourite designer of all time!!

I have the perfect spot for this gorgeous Made By Girl Poster!! Loving the red and pink combo!! Wouldn't it look gorgeous in that beautiful white mirror frame in the top picture {mirror removed of course}!!

Tuile frills get me everytime!!

Here are a few pretty pink pictures I'm mad about!

Top - Ruthie Sommers via Stylecourt, Middle - Deeply Madly In Love Poster from Made By Girl, Bottom - Rachel Popo Photography via Oh Happy Day Blog.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Emmy Looks

From the glamorous gals to one dapper hunk after another, last night's Emmy red carpet was a sight to see.

From America Ferrera and Sandra Oh to Jeremy Piven and Christian Siriano, here are a few favorites:

For more looks of the night, Glam has their Best Dressed, Best Tressed and Best Dressed Men of the evening.

- Erin Dustin

Emmy Buzz

Lindsay and Samantha get cozy with TV Guide.

Tina Fey wins big (3 awards), but loses her purse.

Host Heidi Klum changed 9 different times throughout the show!

Josh Groban should have won an award for best "marathon" performance with his medley of classic theme songs. My favorite - His rendition of The Fresh Prince of Belair!

And how may you ask was he able to pull this off? "A lot of rehearsal and a lot of coffee."

Christina Applegate made a smashing red carpet appearance.

Which housewife looked the best?

Lauren Conrad wore one of her own. (and looked good doing it!)

- Erin Dustin

Sunday, September 21, 2008

More Straddie Pics...

This is the main bedroom - I used an old cane bed head I found which I painted blue and the shades on the lamps are made in a new floral fabric I love. I threw lots of patterned cushions on the bed which I dressed with a plain white quilt. The bedside tables are white painted timber with basket drawers - perfect of the beach.

Here is one of the flower arrangements I did in an old blue and white jug. I placed it into a vignette on the big old white sideboard I have in the dining area. Note the India Hicks candle - one of my favourite scented candles.

This is the little shelf Harry and I had fun filling with bits and pieces found from around the Island and some pretty jars from the back of a cupboard.

Harry and I went over to Straddie late last week to get the house ready for some tenants arriving. I also had my handyman come over to do some bits and pieces around the place which was SO great. He hung the little old printer's shelf I found at one of my favourite junk shops on the wall above the blue inlay chest on the back deck. Harry and I scouted around the Island looking for things to fill it with. We found shells, stones, bits of wood, dried fern leaves, dried seed pods and a few little jars I had hidden away in the cupboard.

When visitors/tenants are coming to stay at the house I love to fill it with fresh flowers & foliage which I pick from the middle of the island....usually I pick lots of pretty Banksia and other Australian natives which I place into big vases. I do it in the hope that it makes the people staying feel special. I also love to leave little luxuries around for the visitors to use. For example I leave lots of beautiful candles, a pretty set of place mats and napkins so that they can entertain their family & friends on the back deck, pretty soap in the bathroom etc. etc. I like to make it the way I would like it if I was renting the house. Anyway, I received a lovely text from the visitors staying in the house at the moment saying how lovely it all was and they particularly loved the fresh flowers. So all the hard work does pay off in the end!! Please email me anna@blackandspiro.com.au for enquiries about renting the house for a holiday.

I have posted some more images above as I have been asked by readers to share some more pics.

Rita's Gorgeous Apartment

This image is an older one of a vignette in Rita's apartment which I continue to love

I really love these new pictures of Rita Konig's chic apartment which is featured in this month's Domino. I particularly love the all-white walls with the pops of colour in the furnishings! It's just so pretty, lived-in and GORGEOUS!! I could move straight into this apartment without changing a thing!!