Tuesday, May 31, 2011

je t'aime ♥

unknown + Alana Davis

Black & Spiro Today

I quickly snapped this photo as I was leaving the shop tonight of our front desk.  Today we replaced the black and white ikat desk skirt, which we've had on the desk since our re-opening last year, with a new gathered navy and white ticking skirt.  This photo gives a very small indication of our new look for the entire shop which will hopefully be in place within the next 3 weeks.  There is going to be lots of red {I am very into red}, navy, pale blue, green, yellow and a softer/warmer pink than the one I am normally known for. 

I wish that all of our lovely new things would arrive sooner as the shop is a little bit empty due to our recent annual sale.  However, as I keep telling myself - beautiful things take time to come to fruition and as my mother always says - good things come to those who wait!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

i am so proud

Le Portillon

This letter was written for me by my boyfriend before I left to study in Rome.*

To my dearest itialianest bean,

Where do I begin? You know it’s hard for me to write my feelings down or even put them into words but ill try for the bean. You are the love of my life baby. I have never ever felt the way I feel about you for anyone else and I really mean it. I have never wanted to make anyone as happy as I want to make you. I would literally do anything for you to be happy. You make my life so much better baby, we have so much fun together. With the others I have dated I would look at a trip like this as a total relief and an escape from all the bullshit. But with you I see it as literally a piece of me leaving for 5 weeks. I have never felt that way about anyone. I always want to be near you and with you and never get sick of you. I am so excited for you to go off and experience Italy and eat awesome food and meet awesome people. I hope you have the most amazing time, I’m really happy you are doing this. I want you to know that I will be thinking about you every second of the day wishing I could hold you in my arms and kiss you. You make me so happy baby and everything I do, I do with you in my mind because you are such an important part of my life. My heart and everything I am belongs to you and only you baby. I promise to send you emails updating you on what I did during the day and I can’t wait to hear how you spend your days and crazy evenings there. I’ll punch any guy that looks at you. J you are the sexiest most beautiful thing in my life and I am so proud to call you my girlfriend and the love of my life.

With all the love I could ever possibly give,


p.p.s you are so f'ing cute it kills me

p.p.p.s you complete me (sike nah, but really if Jerry McGuire hadn’t used it I def would have thought of it and used it on you)

* reader submission

Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's Fire Time...

I think we have lit our fire every night over the past few weeks.  We are actually a little bit obsessed with lighting the fireplaces at our house.  Even on nights when it hasn't been very cold, we have lit the fire.  Brad chops the wood and Harry collects the smaller bits and Max and I watch.  It is a big family event every single night!!

We just received some beautiful paper mache pots into the shop last week as pictured below and I think I might need to take one or two home as they would be perfect to hold the pine cones and sticks.  And then when Winter is over, I think they would look wonderful with our Christmas tree placed in one...I love things which have varied uses!!!

Super 8 Fun

Elle Fanning hanging out with her fellow 'Super 8' cast members.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

love is...

olive manna

New Rares

Various photos of Dakota Fanning at school and with fans.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

what's broken so I can fix it

Olle Eriksson

My story starts like a million others - girl gets her heart broken at a young age, stops believing in love, meets guy who makes her change and open up. But unlike a million other stories, mine doesn't have a happy ending.

I signed up to a dating website when I was bored. It was just out of curiosity at first and to meet new people, since I love to travel. Until one day this guy comes up as a suggestion. A quick look at his profile and I immediately decided to congratulate him for such a well written about me section. And so it all started. Long messages being exchanged every single day. Confessions, complaints, all the things you would talk to a friend, we wrote to each other. We became friends, but something was growing inside me, a weird, unsettling feeling, but I decided to shrug and let it go. Until the day I drunkenly decided to tell you everything - all my feelings and thoughts. And to my surprise you said you felt the same and when you did so... oh, it was like a breath of fresh air. I finally felt happy after so many years of faking smiles and trying to drag myself through life. My heart filled with hope.
And when I thought I couldn't be happier, you said you were coming to my country to visit me. My insecurities took me by storm and I started to think that it was to good to be true. That such a good looking guy would never want a girl like me.
But you came, and I reunited all the courage I could to meet you, and when I first saw you I knew I had found someone worth fighting for. I knew that it would be worth all the heartache, the distance and the insecurities.

My life became you. I would go out and think about you all the time, always wishing you were here. I would dream about you. I would thinking of you so much that it started to frighten me.

After you left I was such a mess that I decided that for the first time I had to go after someone. And so I did. I flew all the way to your country so I could see you again. And for some reason, everything was so fucked up. You met me once and then ignored me, ran away from me, and words can't explain how painful it was, how broken my heart was. I would walk around the streets of that foreign and unknown country trying to find reasons for all that, trying to fool myself into thinking you were just too busy to meet me, that I came at the wrong time. I had to fool myself, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take it. I would just... break.

After many attempts to contact you, you finally responded. We had dinner. And then all of a sudden you said you wanted me to be your girlfriend. At first I thought it was a joke, because it was too good to be true, way too good. But you said it again later that night, and I remember going back to my hotel with the biggest smile on my face. That was the only day when I was truly happy. I made plans to move to your country, or to a country nearby so we could be closer and give us a shot. But then you ignored me again after that, and I was left puzzled. I had to come back home broken hearted, lost, without knowing what to do.

Ever since that day you were never the same, we were never the same, and I wonder what went wrong. There isn't a day that goes by without me thinking of you, longing for you. The sadness I felt before meeting you came back. And even though you broke my heart so many times, I would still do whatever I can to be closer to you, to be with you. I want the truth, I want your honesty back. I wish you would just tell me how you're feeling so I can stop torturing myself. Because I want you, I want us. I want me there with you, or you here. I want to cross streets holding hands, have dinners, watch old movies and walk around town. I want adventures, drunken nights. I want happiness. I want you, only you.

I want to know what's broken so I can fix it, because I can't imagine myself living a life without you.

Jeg savner dig...


Fresh as a daisy

You might notice I have a new look.  I think it was well overdue.  This little vignette was one I put together at home last Summer.  I was inspired by it's fresh and happy vibe this morning and I thought what a perfect picture to post for the start of a new era here at ABT....

image - elouise van riet-gray

Miss London

Elle Fanning along with her young co-stars is in London promoting Super 8.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

feel what i am thinking

Maddie Joyce + unknown

Second Choice

The floral patterned fabric above wasn't my first choice colourway for the curtains in our bedroom at home.  My first choice was the lavender colourway.  However, like so many fabrics we have ordered over the past 12-18 months it was out of stock and not available.  Has this been a problem for other decorators out there too?  With only a few weeks to go before Christmas last year I made a very rushed decision and went for the green colourway instead.  I must admit when they first went in I had regrets because I am not usually a huge green lover.  However, they have grown on me and now I absolutely love them.  Has anything like this ever happened to you?  I'd love to hear your stories!!!


image 1 - anna spiro bedroom photographed by elouise van riet-gray

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Our first born child knew the definition of No well before he ever got himself into too much trouble.  A simple No would always result in him moving away from something I didn't want him to touch. 

Over the years I've had many clients ask me how I am able to keep all my books and bits and pieces in place on our coffee table with a little one in the house.  I have always been a firm believer in leaving all my precious objects around the house and teaching  my children to respect my things which will eventually become theirs {whether they like it or not}.  

HOWEVER, I have to say that I have entered into a completely new way of life with our Max.  Ever since Christmas I have had one very tall pile of books perched right in the middle of our coffee table.  Not because this is a new way I am experimenting with arranging my things.  It is the result of a child who seems to have determination which rivals my own.

Late this afternoon I had an appointment at Betty's lovely home and as I was leaving I spotted her big old amazing tree bearing lots of fruit.  She very generously offered me a few which I brought home and placed into one of my vintage blue and white plates.  I bravely placed it on our coffee table amongst my other things.  It took Max about 5 seconds to arrive at the coffee table.  He snatched his very own lemon out of my lemon bowl and then proceeded to put it into his mouth.  I said no and then I said no again and then again...I think I am starting to sound like a broken record!

I caught the moment with my camera and then I moved the lemons to higher ground.  It seems I need to work out a plan of attack as I can't keep this Leaning Tower of Pisa book arrangement thing happening... 

Any tips?xx

Monday, May 23, 2011

he will tell me it's true

ph: unknown

Dear Mr.,

You have been my greatest. My fear is that no one will ever be what you are to me, today i had to make a decision. I could no longer live in limbo, I could no longer live without you and with you all at the same time, i could not think of everyone else who has you when I'm not there or that you might avoid me the next day after loving me the night before.

You are incredible and a man who will achieve all and know no boundaries, I am drawn to your soul like it was made to light mine up but i know that you can't be it. Even though you were my Mr., you can't be him because my soul mate will feel it too,

but he will tell me it's true.

love Ally x

Sunday, May 22, 2011

you got me smiling in my sleep


Great Cake

Today we celebrated Max's Christening and first Birthday at our home with our family.  My mum did her usual amazing cooking thing and my Aunty Jane cooked lots of wonderful sweets.  My job was the Christening/Birthday cake.  One of my client's told me about this rainbow cake and how easy it was to make.  I was very doubtful!  However, it turns out that it was a very easy cake to make and it is an absolute show stopper!  Thanks Charmaine for sending me the link to this fabulous cake which Meredith over at Count it all Joy featured on her blog.  If I can make it, anyone can make it.  And now Harry wants me to make it for his Birthday later on in the year.  I think it's going to become a family favourite!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Party Fun

Pictures of Dakota Fanning with friends at a party.

Friday, May 20, 2011

what are you still doing here?


Dear You.

I had a brutal crush on you but I said to myself I wouldn't do anything about it. When I heard about you and another girl though, I thought it's now or never. So I simply walked to where you were and since then there has only been you.

You make me laugh so much and you awakens every butterfly in me. You whisper sweet words in my ear and I want to hug you all the time and you tell me you want me to. You giggle when I give you a thousand kisses all over your face and I remember you said I'm the prettiest girl in town. I don't think about what's happening or will happen, I'm just enjoying every moment with you.

But in every relationship we have - with girls, boys, friends - sooner or later we argue. And suddenly it all feels so fragile.

What will happen now?
How much does he like me?
Will this end what's between us?
Wow, there's so many things I still don't know about him.
Will he hurt me?
Will he say things that makes me cry?
If I stay now, will he take me in his arms if I get sad?
If I go now, will he call me tomorrow?
Gosh, WHY do I have to be so emotional?
Does he think I'm too sensitive?
Is this about what he said about things going so fast?
Wait - it was "so fast", not "too fast", right? Damn. I can't remember.
What does he want me to say when he tells me that?
But if he meant it in a bad way, why would he also tell me he doesn't want to be with anyone else?
I hope that part wont change now when we argue.
Is he as scared of all those feelings as I am?
I wish I was a mindreader.
What was we even arguing about?
Oh, I remember. Are we really having an argue about that?
Well, I guess this learns us that both are really stubborn.
I don't want him over there. I want him to be closer.
Will he reject me if I ask for a kiss instead of talking about whatever we think different about?

I really want you. I really like you. But I don't tell you that tonight. Instead I'm doing what I know is wrong - I'm walking away, I'm going home. Because even if we're having an incredible time, I don't really know you and your thoughts and if you think "us" is happening too fast instead of so fast, I don't want to hear it tonight. Each day I want to have you one more day so me liking you as much as I do is really freaking me out.

And to all of you whose hearts are aching by liking someone and not doing anything about it - what are you still doing here? Go tell them, go take a shot, go fall in love!
Sometimes you have to give life a push and hope that it's the right time and place and that both are ready for what may come. The worst thing that can happen isn't even that bad - if he/she doesn't feel the same at least you will feel awesome about telling them how special they are.
But if everything goes well, it can be amazing.

Remember though - your heart will ache anyway, because you're so scared to screw it all up and the feeling you get by the thought of losing something great is almost as awful as not having it at all.

Lots of love to all of you!


Thank Goodness it's Friday!!!

I've seen a few TGIF posts around Blogland this afternoon and I have to agree....THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!  But, I have Max's First Birthday Party and Christening this Sunday so I'll be at it again running around like crazy.  Thank goodness it's just the family coming.  I am attempting to cook a cake one of my client's recommended to me tomorrow for Sunday so if it works out I'll be sure to post it.  I also think I need to do something with these lemons I've had sitting in this basket on our dining table for a couple of weeks... 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

let's be adventurers

Eleven Paris + weheartit

Max Turns 1

Max woke up this morning to red, blue, yellow and green balloons tied all around his cot.  This is sort of a little tradition in our household.  Lots of balloons on Birthdays that is.  He absolutely loved them.  However, I think he loved his new car even more.  And I think Harry loved it even more than Max!  It's been a perfect First Birthday. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Max

It's hard to believe that our little Max turns 1 tomorrow.  To celebrate his first year, Harry and I recently created this little chair for him for his bedroom.  Being quite small, it is actually the perfect size for him to climb up onto. I bought the vintage chair for a very small sum and then had it recovered in a plain white canvas.  Harry then drew all over it with fabric felt pens.  On the back I have written a special little note to him.  We also wrote his date of birth and a few of his favourite sounds on the chair too.  I hope it is something he cherishes and keeps forever.

PS.  If anyone is going to try this I would advise ironing the chair after you have drawn on it so as to seal the ink onto the fabric.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

sweet dreams darling


One morning i woke up and i saw that i had got text message at 02:29 am.
It was from my boyfriend.

"I just love everything in you.
Every time you laugh or smile
I melt inside.
When i can be with you
i'm the happiest guy in the world.
What i am trying to say,
you mean the world to me
and i love you from bottom of my heart.
I'm sorry for all my mistakes and that i have been jerk.
Three words eight letters.
That means i love you.
I hope that i didn't wake you up.
Sweet dreams darling."


I Love Kate Lewis

I am totally smitten with the artwork of Kate Lewis.  I love everything she does.  Her paintings have a soft, smudgy look which I think is very beautiful.

Monday, May 16, 2011

you are the sunshine

weheartit + weheartit

What's Next

For me, creating a home with soul is the most important thing I hope to achieve for my clients and myself. 

No matter what colour or style preference you have, it's about selecting furniture, fabrics and pieces which strike a chord with you.  It's also about having your children's artwork on your walls and your grandmother's vase on your fireplace mantel.  It's about personal preference and the use of items which have personal meaning.

I have found that it's the most unusual pieces which stay within the walls of our family home.  For example the Antique Dining table we purchased just before we got married will never be replaced or sent to the shop to be sold.  Collecting Antique furniture does take time and money but I think it's worth waiting for the perfect piece and collecting pieces over time certainly helps when it comes to funding such items. 

Over the coming weeks we will be taking delivery of lots of wonderful new things at Black & Spiro including numerous Antique pieces which I have been collecting over the last few months from far afield.  There will be new fabrics and a wonderful new colour palette which I think will be fresh and exciting. 

I continue to put all my effort into sourcing and creating inimitable things for Black & Spiro and I am sure you will all be very inspired and excited by our new offerings...

I look forward to sharing photos in the coming weeks.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I will always love you


I'm writing you this letter because I can't do this anymore. I love you so much. I miss you everyday. I've been wondering if you've been thinking about me... will you ever want me again? will you every love me again like you did? These are questions I ask myself over and over again, but they're questions that will never be answered at this point. I can't keep wondering anymore. It's not fair that you've moved on and I have been stuck in the same spot, afraid to move. I know I'm doing it to myself, I have been for far too long. Even though the thought of not speaking to you scares me, I have to do it for myself. I can't be your friend and act like I'm okay when I'm not just for the sake of still having you in my life... You used to tell me you would never get over me, that you could see yourself with me for a very long time. If those feelings were strong and true then they must still be in you and maybe one day you'll be able to express them again. But I have to stop thinking about how it was with you because its gone.. I feel like a fool for holding on this long. Am I a fool? Or a person who is just truly in love? I have to let you go H.. I've been avoiding this for four months and I know I could probably keep it up for a long time but I need to be strong and take this stand... Thank you for being one of the greatest things that came into my life. Thank you for teaching me so much about myself. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. I can never hate you because I know that everything you did was out of love, but I hate that it had to end. I even hate that I can't wish or hope you will come back to me anymore. Talking to you and seeing you will just set me back no matter how much I tell myself it won't.
I miss you so much & I always will.
I hope you accomplish every goal you set for yourself, I hope you figure out everything you were unsure about, and I hope above all that you are happy.
I wish I could be there to see it all happen.
But the reality is, you left me
& now its time for me to let go.

I will always love you,

Saturday, May 14, 2011

i hope i don't fall in love

weheartit + ffffound

Black & Spiro Sale 2011

Mum snapped this photo as the beautiful pair of Antique chairs were loaded into the back of this truck.  They were headed to their new home in Byron Bay.  I was sad to see these chairs go as they were my favourite things in the entire shop.  These ladies drove all the way up this morning from Byron Bay...unbelievable!!

What a beautiful, sunny day it was today.  Perfect weather for a sale.  I arrived at the store at 7.15am to find the first two ladies lined up at our front door.  They had apparently been there since 6.45am.  To say I was surprised is an understatement.  By 7.30am my friend Faux Fuchsia had arrived and by 8am there was an army of happy, excited women at our front door lined up in an orderly queue around the corner into Browne Street ready and prepared for our 9am open. 

I have to say that every year I become more and more anxious about our one day only sale.  My thoughts drift from what if nobody comes to what if more people come than last year.

However, it seems that the latter is true - to my complete astonishment more and more people come every year.  Last year I don't think I was really prepared for the numbers we had on the day but this year we set in place some new procedures for our sale which I think made it so much better.  

I would like to thank everyone who supported us today.  I was absolutely delighted by the kindness, politeness and civility of everyone and it seems that everyone left the store not only with something they love but also with a smiling, happy face which makes me very happy and relieved!!

PS.  A huge thank you to my oldest and dearest friend in the entire world Sophie and also to Diana and Mum for stepping in and helping us.  I don't know how we would have done it without you!!!!  Oh and also the biggest thanks to my beautiful Black & Spiro girls - Kel, Liv & Eve.  You girls all worked tirelessly over the last week getting us ready for today.  You are THE BEST!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011



I was the exception. For years we've been best friends.. We once went 8 months without speaking because I confessed I had feelings for you and you were too afraid to admit yours.. What did I do? I hoped. I'd pass by you in school and we'd be complete strangers. How can two people who know so much about each other pretend they don't know each other at all? But still, I hoped. You made me cry and feel horrible about myself because I felt that I was holding on to something that was long gone... Yet still, I hoped. I held on to the memories, I held on to the sound of your laughter and the look you get just before you laugh.. I held on to all of that and I hoped for a miracle. Even if we were just friends, I hoped for that. Just when I was going to give up, I worked up the courage to ask you why.. And you told me you didn't understand why I still held on.. You didn't understand why I wouldn't just give up... And I told you.. I don't give up on people I love.. Even if I'm the last one standing, I would not give up on you. Ever...

We started talking again in February.. and it was different.. It was almost too good to be true.. My best friend asked me what spell I put on you.. I couldn't believe it because suddenly, you were at my doorstep at night when I was having a bad day.. When my phone would light up I knew.. I just knew it was you.. Everything was great.. but we were still just friends. Friends.. and the sad thing is, I know he loves me.. I know he has always loved me. I introduced him to my mother and when we were in the car she told me that he loves me. She just knew.. She felt it. Tell me, why wouldn't he tell me? Why wouldn't he open up? But I was patient.. Whatever, he's what I wanted.. I had my best friend back..

I guess what I'm trying to say is.. even when life give's you every reason to give up, remind yourself of the reasons you're still standing.. Yes, sometimes it's hard to stand up for someone who doesn't love you back.. But love is blind. Love is unconditional.. Actually, what is love? It's not something we feel in our heart or something we contemplate or try to understand in our brains.. It's the energy between two people.. That's love. Love is food! Love is family.. Love is friendship.. And that's what we need to stand up for.. We sit and complain about how life isn't fair and how we might never find love.. But we forget the most important thing: Everything turns out okay in the end.. If it's not okay, it's not the end. So what if the love of your life won't talk to you? So what? You can cry and you can worry but that won't make him see you for YOU. You are your best when you are HAPPY. Forget about them.. Forget and live to the fullest.. Find something you LOVE. And when they realize what they've lost, they'll come back... DON'T play "hard to get" unless you know deep down you really don't want them anymore. If they come back, accept them.. or forever regret what could have been..

I held on.. I never let go and I never gave up on him.. But I didn't let that keep me from living my life.. There were days when I felt like I couldn't get through, but I picked myself up and I smiled. And I got the love in the end.. I know he loves me.. and he has told me so.. He has finally FINALLY faced his fear of accepting what he feels.

My last note.. If you are afraid of showing someone how you feel, don't be.. Honestly, what's the worst that could happen? We are still at the beginning of our lives, there is so much more for us to live for! Life goes on.. Don't let fear hold you back and keep HOPING. Hope got me through the roughest times of my life.. And it will get me through all the others that are bound to come my way.. Don't be a coward, either.. Fear is merely a feeling, cowardice is a choice of action. Be the best you can be, and don't do things you might be ashamed of to live life with no regrets.

with love,
a simple teen.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the more i see you

weheartit + paper owls

Mid-Week Tulips

These fresh tulips arrived at Black & Spiro today.  They were such a surprise.  I took them home and arranged them in the vintage bird vase I picked up a few weeks ago.  They have brightened my week. Thank you Janet!!